Economic dignity comes in the form of direct access to the middle class. The destructive cycle of poverty can be broken with a college degree or a union job. Schools must prepare every child, regardless of ESL status or disability, to thrive and complete college and or trade school. We demand:
- High school graduation requirements must align with State university acceptance requirements
- Every High school must offer co-enrollment college courses, skilled labor courses and AP courses.
- Federal guarantee jobs act.
- Universal Free Pre-K - 16 education for all kids, including undocumented students.
Your Voice Matters:
Sign the Petition to Break the Cycle of Poverty
Sign the Petition to Break the Cycle of Poverty
Public education is meant to be our Country's great equalizer, but currently, it only serves to deepen the disparity in the wealth gap. By preparing every child to complete college and or trade school we can bring an end to homeslessness and revitalize the middle class.